Monday, May 7, 2012


I'm feeling very proud of myself right now. One of my regular Curves coaches (Polly) told me today that she's really proud of me because I've been working out a lot. I have too! In the past four weeks, I've worked out 560 minutes. That's exciting. I expect that number to be a lot more this month. :)

I talked to Pam today before my trip to the gym. She told me that she uses a Fat Burn preset program on the treadmill and it works really well for her. She advised that since I'm not in the greatest shape, to set it at 3.5 as my maximum speed. It changed from 2.5 to 3.5 and the incline went up to 5. I was feeling it, but not much. I think next time I'm going to up my max speed. My only issue is that the balls of my feet hurt. I'm not sure how to remedy this. My shoes are plenty tight, but not too tight... My socks have a slight layer of padding, but not too much. I just don't know what to do.

I got great news at Curves today. The system is back up and running. Polly told me they could do my testing tomorrow... I'm not going tomorrow though. Tomorrow is my rest day from walking and I'm going to skip Curves too in order to go get groceries. We desperately need some. So, I told Polly I will be there Wednesday and she can test me then... Thursday I will be doing Curves Smart again!!! *does a happy dance*

Okay, well, I'm going to go finish my dinner and then relax before hitting the hay early. I'm exhausted.

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