Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Working Out

I went back to Curves Monday night. I was so excited to go back! There was this new employee named Shauna. She’s actually not new, but she started in October. I did my first weigh and measure of 2013. My last one was done exactly eight months previously. I did lose weight and inches in every category except my abdomen. So that’s good. Shauna probably thought I was insane because I was very chatty. I did my workout, went home, did the dishes, and finally relaxed around 7…

I had plans to go to Curves yesterday, but I didn’t make it. I was contemplating taking the day off anyway. I woke up with incredibly achy shoulders, shoulder blades, and upper back. It was from my workout and while I enjoyed it, I thought my muscles could probably use the break. I haven’t done any kind of strength training workout in several months. I was headed to Subway to get dinner for Matt and me and then by Curves, but I got stopped by a train. I’m sure I’ve complained about it before, but my town is completely cut in half by a train when it’s on one of our tracks. There’s basically no way around it unless you can figure out which direction it was coming from and beat it to an intersection. I’m not exaggerating here; Subway is like… a two minute drive on a normal day. I didn’t get home until after 5:30 because of the stupid train. I ate, tried to work on some of my nutrition homework, and went to bed fairly early.


I started my period today. It is three days earlier than my birth control would have been, but if I remember correctly (it’s been nine years since I had a period not brought on my birth control), my average cycle was like 25-27 days. It hasn’t been bad. I have annoying cramps, but not painful ones. My flow isn’t bad yet, but I just started so that could change. I hope my periods stay shorter… without birth control they were a full week, but with birth control they were only three or four days. Nice.


I AM going to Curves tonight. Regardless of what I put in the TMI section. LOL I say that because normally I wouldn’t want to go, but I do want to go. Odd. I’m not going to knock it…

So, I know I mentioned that I signed up for that Virtual 5K and didn’t have a place to walk it, right? Well, my friend Jen is a genius. She’s like, “You do know that the Y has guest passes right?” (paraphrased) I contacted the Y via Facebook as I hate calling people and was told that a one day guest pass (what I would need) would be $8. Not too bad. I’d much rather pay $8 for 30-60 minutes of gym time than walk outside.

To get my three days in at Curves, I’m going to have to go tonight and tomorrow night. I won’t be able to go Friday because I’ll be going to the Y to do the 5K. Yay for working out 4 of 7 days! That’s better than not working out at all, right? LOL Oh and I need to try to fit in a workout with weights. I might do Jillian’s 30 Day Shred Saturday morning so I fit that in.

Okay, I need to go… Just a reminder that I’m hosting a giveaway for some really awesome digital scrapbooking software so check it out! It’s easy to enter!

1 comment:

  1. I'd sign up for the giveaway, but I don't scrapbook at all.

    Good job on getting back into working out! I have to do that as well....


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