Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bloggity blog... + DietBet

I've been blogging for... about 12 years now. It's been off and on, but I had my first online diary/blog when I was 16 or so. It's very crazy to think that I have been writing about my boring life that long. Haha... That being said, I have been reading (or have been read by) some bloggers for years and years now and we've never had the opportunity to meet. I finally figured out my webcam so I think I will be making a vlog very soon. Does anyone have anything in particular you'd like me to talk about???

I think I have a knack for becoming friends with "celebrities". Rick Worthy is one of my great friends. He is an actor, but he's not well known. Well, on Saturday I was in Milwaukee at my best friend's bachelorette party and we went to a comedy club. The headliner was this comedian named Dave Waite. I thought he was hilarious. I searched for him on Twitter and found his account and followed him. He followed me back. We had a bit of conversation in a Direct Message (DM) where he remembered us from meeting up with him after the show. He said, "That's right. The cute girls." Then he asked if I was the shy one and I said, "I shook your hand... I don't know if you're thinking of me or the one who didn't shake your hand who joined all of us after." And he said, "I'm thinking of you :p". Then he added me on Facebook and we've been chatting since. LOL Good times.

So, I started up a DietBet. I'm running it in conjunction with Let's Get Healthy!. If you don't know what DietBet is, it's a website where you sign up for a challenge. Mine is a $25 buy in. By buying in, you're saying you'll lose 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks. So, if you weigh 200 lbs, you're saying you'll lose eight pounds in four weeks. Everyone who successfully completes the challenge splits the pot. So, as long as you don't gain and you lose 4% of your body weight, you'll at least get back your buy in. Check it out and join. It starts on the 31st.

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I was getting a lot of spam comments, so I had to turn off anonymous user comments. Sorry! I love reading your comments though!